Twinings Tea Tasting Session With Khun Dew, Twinings Brand Ambassador: Darjeeling Tea

Twinings Darjeeling Tea
Twinings Darjeeling Tea

Twinings Darjeeling Tea is one of the 5 Twining Black Teas, the others being Earl Grey, Lady Grey, English Breakfast and Finest Ceylon. There’s also the Flavoured Black Tea range but I won’t go into that as the focus of this post is on the tea that is grown and processed in the Darjeeling district in West Bengal, India.

Personally, I am very fond of Darjeeling Tea as it has a distinct taste/flavour. This light golden black tea from the foothills of the Himalayas has a delicate and unique character that is likened to the Muscatel grape. Known as the champagne of tea, its exclusiveness lies with the harvesting period which last only from April to October. 

Twinings Brand Ambassador, Khun Dew pours out Twinings Darjeeling Tea into sampling glasses
Twinings most excellent Darjeeling Tea perfect for any time of the day

This marvelous Twinings tea is one of my favourites as the aroma is rich and fragrant, one of the finest of Twinings teas. Fun fact about Twinings Darjeeling Tea: Located in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, the high elevation gardens and sloped terrain of this region produce distinctive teas that are harvested in three growing seasons called “flushes.” First Flush teas are harvested in March following the spring rains and have a fresh, lively taste. Second Flush teas are harvested in June and have a mellow, muscatel flavour. Autumn Flush teas are rich and smooth, but bolder in flavour. Twinings Darjeeling combines teas from the 1st and 2nd Flushes to yield a sophisticated tea with a woody aroma and slightly dry, delicate taste.