Dogs Barking At Night Can Drive People Nuts


17b04115d09bde80facccb625eea5d8aI have always appreciated the fact that I live in a pin-drop silence neighbourhood where there is occasional barking from dogs that pass by my gate but certainly not in the wee hours of the morning. A few years ago, I had a neighbour who rented the house next door. The woman was a dog hoarder as she kept up to 10 dogs at a time and obviously never bothered to spay her dogs as there were always puppies running around. However, even they were not as annoying as my new neighbours who have rented the house on the other side (no0t the same house as dog hoarder).

Now when people bring their precious expensive poodles, you would expect them to be kept indoors but no, these people chose to leash the pair of black poodles with a raffia string (who does that?) to a grille all night. My peaceful sleep was interrupted by barking before 6am and I was rightfully and justifiably damn pissed off. After all, it is the freaking weekend and who doesn’t want a good sleep on a Saturday night or any night for that matter. So I went to my backyard and shouted “Stop barking! People are trying to sleep!”. It was more for the benefit of the poodles’ owners of course since the dogs won’t understand and my outburst only made them go more into a frenzy. I know that but people should be more considerate of others especially when they should be aware their dogs are barking.

It isn’t as if there is no solution to this. Keep the dogs indoors or on the other side of he house since the house is large enough. After that, I couldn’t go back to sleep because I was thinking that I might be interrupted again and that weighed heavily on my mind. Half an hour later, I heard the lady next door say “Quiet!” when the dogs started their barking again but did that stop them? No it didn’t so I said the same thing I said earlier and this time even louder for good effect so that she would get the message loud and clear. No wonder some people get so riled up with their neighbour’s dogs. Obviously these are pampered pedigree pooches and the type that are prone to barking even if they see an ant, what more a human next door.

There should be some unwritten etiquette for people to control their dogs from barking at night for no reason. The only reason for a dog to bark at night is if they see an intruder and then that would be rightful barking. Anyway, can’t blame the dogs. Tied up with a raffia strong and left in the back yard, any dog would probably be barking their heads off sooner or later. Why do I get the feeling I am in for a rough, long ride? It’s appalling that people are this inconsiderate. If my dog was barking like this at night, I would do something about it as it’s embarrassing. These people seriously need Cesar Millan to tell them a thing or two.

Wherever my new neighbours moved from, their previous neighbours must be thanking their lucky stars that they have moved. My pin-drop silence neighbourhood is no more.