In anticipation of the good fortune that the year of the Golden Bull has to offer, Master Kenny Hoo and AkzoNobel, the leading global paints and coatings company and maker of Dulux, collaborated virtually to share auspicious colour-based advice to achieve good Feng Shui. After a challenging year, Master Kenny Hoo, Founder of GOOD FENG SHUI® Group has dubbed the coming 2021 Chinese Lunar New Year as the ‘Turnaround Year’ (轉機年).
He integrated his GOOD FENG SHUI wisdom with AkzoNobel’s Colour of the Year 2021 Brave Ground, a warm and grounding neutral shade. A perfect complement to the changes in store for the coming year, Brave Ground fosters the feeling of firm foundation beneath our feet and gives us courage to embrace change.

During a livestream session, Master Kenny shared his Feng Shui wisdom and consultation for the forecasted year of positive turnaround. He provided advice on matters such as auspicious dates for spring cleaning, auspicious areas for renovation based on the concept of Flying Star Feng Shui (an astrological chart to analyse the positive and negative sectors of an area), economic outlook, auspicious industries on the rise and practical applications of Brave Ground to leverage opportunities concerning wealth, love, and more.
Master Kenny Hoo announced that the keyword of the 2021 Golden Bull year is 轉 (read as “zhuan”, meaning ‘turn’), he forecasted that various businesses and social activities will gradually awaken in 2021 with an abundance of good and new opportunities emerging. This is similar to what AkzoNobel’s Colour of the Year, Brave Ground symbolises – that in order to make space for the good opportunities, we must first have the courage to embrace change. In synergy of entering the Turnaround Year, Brave Ground (also known as Wright Stone Brown) was named the GOOD FENG SHUI Lucky Colour of the Year to give us the courage to embrace change and welcome in the new opportunities.