Launched last week, ASTALIFT WHITE Bright Lotion is the brand’s improved and enhanced whitening lotion. I have been using it for over a week, applying it with my palms after cleansing. It is kind of like a toner although strictly speaking, belongs to that category of serum benefits and properties in a lotion texture. Nowadays, many beauty brands produce a similar product.
I like the bottle because of the pump,one pump is actually quite sufficient as it’s so fluid, I prefer to use my palms to apply as this way, my skin absorbs all of it and not the cotton pad. I thought the damask rose scent would be stronger but it is mild. I notice that my skin looks brighter and more radiant once it has been applied. Also softens and hydrates skin at the same time.
ASTALIFT WHITE Bright Lotion is available at ASTALIFT counters in Isetan 1Utama, The Gardens and KLCC, retailing at RM167.48/130ml.
Product reviewed is a press sample
Is the second picture with blue bottle refers to another product ?
It looks blue but it is actually white, it is the lighting. Same bottle, it’s a pump bottle.