It’s hard not to compare prices of products in brick-and-mortar retail shops and online. Most of the time, the same product is cheaper online which is why online shopping is so popular and will probably only become more popular. However I am one of those who only does online shopping once in a very blue moon as I can’t take the stress of waiting for my order to be shipped. My latest experience left a bad impression of some online retailers who can’t seem to be bothered to check their order. If I was an online retailer, I would be so excited to see that someone has ordered my product and I will make sure I dispatch the item as soon as possible which means first thing in the morning if the courier office has already closed for business.
I saw a red bowler hat at around RM70 in Isetan last week and thought it might be cheaper online so I googled and voila! was led to a retailer who sells various shades of bowler hats at RM35 on 11street. I made the order (paid via Boost Mobile Wallet) on 22/1/19 and checked the status of my order the next day. The seller hadn’t checked my order, status was ‘Payment Complete’ and not ‘Shipment In Progress’. It was status quo on 24/1/19 and even this morning. I got fed up, enough waiting so I cancelled the order this morning.
Earlier, I’d emailed 11street customer service to ask them whether I should be concerned that the seller hadn’t responded to my order. Since the seller is based in Perak, surely they should have sent out the item latest by yesterday and I would have received it by today? As I said, if I was the seller, I will make sure the item is delivered promptly so that the customer will hopefully make a repeat purchase.
Anyway after I cancelled the order, 11street responded to my email:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your email.
I understand that the seller being unresponsive towards your order, 201901223649020. As per check you have canceled the order accoridngly and kindly be informed that we will highlight this issue to our relevant department for them to take action toward this seller.
We hope the above clarify. Kindly contact us if further assistance required.
Thank you contacting 11street and have a great day ahead.
I don’t know why people bother to advertise their products online and yet when an order comes through, they don’t take any action to dispatch the product within 48 hours. How are you going to sell anything if disgruntled customers cancel their order? It puzzles me why people want to sell something & then absolutely no action when they receive an order. I get very concerned when the seller doesn’t change the status of my order to ‘Shipping in progress’ 48 hours after payment has been made. That’s why online shopping is so stressful for me. I like things to be done fast because I am the type of person who likes to get things out of the way. Perhaps it’s just me……