Couldn’t end the year without a giveaway as I have stashed away some really nice beauty products over the past few months just for this purpose. It’s felt like a pretty long year for me and I’m glad it’s finally over so that there are hopefully better things in store next year.
I am giving away a mystery parcel (mystery simply because I am still accumulating all sorts of products for the parcel) to one (1) person who comments on this post. If there’s more than 10 entries before the end of this Giveaway, I’ll add another mystery parcel so that there’ll be two (2) parcels.
What to comment on? Anything you like…..leave it up to you but I’d like to know how your year (2018) has been. Have you had a new job? Gone somewhere interesting for a holiday? Discovered a new place to eat? Think of it as a catching up session.
Terms and conditions of this Giveaway:-
1. Giveaway exclusively for those who have ‘liked’ Juniper’s Journal’s Facebook page (or if you are able to follow JJ’s Instagram @junipersjournal) & with Malaysian addresses only.
2. Giveaway ends Thursday 3rd January 2019.
3. Winner will be contacted via email once result is announced in this same post. Please respond within twenty four (24) hours otherwise another winner will be selected. If the winner has an Instagram account, please share the contents of the parcel and #junipersjournalgiveaway
Happy New Year everyone and hope 2019 will be a great year for all of you.
Updated 4/1/19
Winner of this Giveaway:
Stephanie Koh
Dear Juniper,
Thanks to you I have attended my first estee lauder and MAC warehouse sale this year!! It saved me alot of money and also let me have the opportunity to try more of their products!!
I wouldn’t have the chance to attend if I had not read through your blog. You are so generous to be giving out invitation card to the public.
Thanks you once again
Hello Juniper,
it helps me save alot on my skincare and some makeup stuff.
First of all thanks for EL warehouse sales invitation
But when recall back what happen in this 2018, actually this year didn’t treating me so well.. many things happen around me, my 2 best friend’s grandmother has pass away, i felt sad because she is a super nice grandmother. My family member also fall sick and admitted to hospital also I keep fall sick!
I hope on 31th Dec 2018, please bring along my bad luck and welcome 2019 with all the good lucks to me!
Always Remind Myself Thinking Good Will Bring Me Fortune Welcome 2019!!
**Thanks for the giveaway**
Thanks to Juniper for the yearly giveaway. 2018 has been both good and bad times for me and my family.
Good: My firstborn learning to speak and listening to him calling me ’Mama’ the first time. It is like music to my ears. Motherhood has treat me well, seeing him grow up healthily and well. The milestones journey with my apple of the eye will be my joy for years to come. The only downside is my skin has been suffering a little due to the insufficient sleep-time every night.
Bad: My son gave us a scare in the middle of the year. Had a minor surgery to correct the undescended testis. Prayed hard and thank god that the operation went well. Healing process was smooth thankfully with a minor scar. The scary part is when the surgeon tells you that if there is any complications, they might have removed the whole side scrotum. As a mother, I almost fainted during the signing off of the consent.
However, all together, 2018 has been an adventurous year with new insights.
Hopefully 2019 will be a better and prosperous year for everyone!
Happy New Year 2019!
Happy New Year 2019!
Overall, last year had been treating me kinda well.
I didn’t go anywhere far for holiday, but enjoying my short getaway in Malaysia and SEA. Career wise, I had been having the same first job after my graduation till now. I think I’m putting myself in a comfort zone for too long.
Been in a relationship and we are still understanding each others over the year. I’m still learning to be more considerate, less grumpy partner.
Last but not least, would really like to express my appreciation to you for the Estee Lauder Staff Sales Invitation. I managed to grab some good stuff even though I’m abit late on that day.
Let’s look forward to the new year and hopefully a better year for all of us.
Hi, Juniper!
I hope you are doing well and had a great year yourself :). For me, 2018 has been a very educational year. As knowledge is power, it has been indeed a positive personal transformation journey for me. I have grown a lot through my experience at work and life in general.
I am very grateful and proud of the person I became although definitely there is of course a longer way to go as learning never stops! Looking forward to what 2019 has to offer with an open mind.
Happy New Year Juniper!
Thanks Juniper!
Looking forward to the giveaway and the new year
Congratulations to the winner! I was too occupied with work issues, when I remembered about this giveaway, it’s already too late.