So it’s that time of the year again when we all look forward to joining the crowds of bargain seekers at the Great Beauty Sale of the Year. What with GST biting at our heels every day, we need to look for bargain buys more than ever before.
I’m not sure what the response will be for this Giveaway but even if there are less entries than there are tickets to be given away, there won’t be an extension of this Giveaway nor will email requests be entertained.
There are 10 sets of 2 tickets to be given away and 1 set of VIP tickets making it 11 sets of Estee Lauder Staff Sale Ticket altogether.
So far there are 294 blog posts on Juniper’s Journal for this year, excluding this one:-
January 87
February 52
March 59
April 95 (the most for any month since JJ started)
If you would like to join this Giveaway (even if you don’t wish to enter, I’d still appreciate your comment very much as it’s good feedback – just state “not entering” when you comment), please comment on:-
What are your three (3) favourite Juniper’s Journal posts for 2015 and why?
Terms & Conditions:-
1. Giveaway exclusively for those who have ‘liked’ Juniper’s Journal’s Facebook page and/or followed Juniper’s Journal’s Twitter & with Malaysian addresses only. I am going to trust that those who enter this Giveaway are JJ Facebook followers because I don’t have time to check that you really are.
2. Giveaway ends on 4th May 2015.
3. Winners will be contacted via email for delivery address once Giveaway ends. Please respond within twenty four (24) hours otherwise another winner will be selected.
4. Tickets to winners will be dispatched via regular mail. Once you have been contacted via email, please indicate whether you’d like other means of dispatch such as Poslaju in which case the fee will be borne by the recipient. Juniper’s Journal will not replace any tickets lost or damaged in transit.
Updated 5th May 2015
Winners of this Giveaway:-
Chin ML
Yi Nian
Stephanie Koh
Devika (VIP tickets)
Xin Yu
My three favorite favourite post for 2015 are:
Variety at catrice 17 February
This post is one of my favourite post because the guardian pharmacy near the place I am working has very limited stock and variety, therefore when I heard that catrice was coming to Malaysia, I was really looking forward to trying this brand out. To my great dismay, my guardian outlet did not stock this brand! However, because of this post, I was able to get a ‘feel’ of what was offered by this brand.
Mac Toledo collection 2 March
Due to the nature of my work, I am unable to check out new makeup collections once they are released, especially Mac shelf sweeping collections where most of them are sold out within one day! This post enabled me to have a look through the whole collection and also information on the product prices and colors available.
Taste enclave classic pavilion 19 April
Sometimes my superior ask me for suggestions for a good place to treat the team for lunch. The common problem was that everybody had different food preference! When I read this post, I immediately thought this place would be the perfect place for my boss to treat the team! The pricing was reasonable, and most importantly, this place had enough variety to satisfy the team!
My three (3) favourite Juniper’s Journal posts for 2015 are:
1. 27 Jan 2015 – Sometimes Blowing Off Some Steam Works!
Agreed totally with your honest and straightforward views on many of the so-called-helpful customer services nowadays.
2. 28 Feb 2015 – Asepso Soap
I always love finding that old-school stuffs are still working wonderful and doesn’t burn a hole on the wallet.
3. 28 Feb 2015 – Neogence Facial Sonic Cleansing Brush System
This post actually made me so happy! Finally a sonic cleansing brush that is wallet-friendly! Thank you for posting this, saved me from sorrow ;p
My three favourite posts for 2015 are
1. 23rd April 2015 – Treating Eczema with Atopiclair & My Eczema action plan launched (NEZAM), the reason being my 5 year old has eczema which flares up every now and then, and the creams that are given are all steroid based which of course I want to avoid. This article gave me an insight to a steroid free cream. And it was good to know that someone (caring Pharmacy) was donating money for kids with eczema, as I have not seen anyone doing much for people with eczema may be because it is not considered that important. Nevertheless it was an informative article.
2. 15th April 2015 – Mac is beauty collection!! Well what can I say I love Mac for its vibrant colors, I don’t think any other make up brand has as many shades of anything like Mac. The first look at the pictures in this article attracted me what beautiful colors, my eyes were just stuck at the green and teal eyeliners, no matter how much make up I have but there is always something that I could buy looking at some of the pictures…SIGH!!
3. 03rd April 2015 – Habib launches annual Diamond fest campaign… I must admit I am all for make up, glamour, jewelley….and the group picture that one sees in this post is so amazing I mean look at the gowns, hair do, make up and ofcourse the beautiful DIAMONDS!! Needless to say the posts are articulated so well with all the tiny details!!
My top three (3) favourite post that you have written:
1) 24th April – Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask
Really like the review on the lip mask. My lips have been always looking patchy and peeling all the time. Looking forward to try the new lip mask to maintain moisture for a more hydrating lips.
2)15th April – MAC is beauty Collection
I was looking for some soft pastel colour palette makeup to go eith my dinner dresses and I was happy that I read this review written. Just the right colour and shimmer for me. I went straight to the MAC shop to purchase the colours.
3)26th March – Estee Lauder Crescent White UV Protector SPF50/PA++++
I have always been a loyal fan of Estee Lauder ever since my mum introduce me to cosmetics. The brand products actually did my skin good making me from a gawky girl to what I am today. The products do treat me well and when new products are advertised, I would love to try them.Same goes with this new brightening product. This product is next in my shopping list for purchase. Wiuld really live to buy the whole collection of Estee Lauder whenever I can.
The 3 posts I liked most are
1 15th april Mac Philip Treacy – the woman with her face covered with an attractive lace mask made me want to read this post. I knew who sarah Jessica parker and Princess Beatrice were but dint know this amazing hat designer. And then ofcourse I had to google it and I got to see such beautiful hats!! The MAC collection of course was colourful like her hats loved the lip shades, but while reading about makeup I got to know about this awesome designer, feel so dumb I dint know it all along.
2 06th april Bonjour Garden café The Intermark – I am a foodie, I would go where ever there is good food. I visit Intermark quite often and this was a place I had not tried and photos looked quite tempting also the price was reasonable…and now I pick up breads from there quite often.
3 27th Feb L’occitane Ultra Soft Balm – I normally use Himalaya lip balm but the pic of this one saying profits donated made me want to read it, and it was quite nice to know where shea butter was discovered thus, L’occitane will be donating to support the women especially in literacy. And I switched to L’occitane from Himalaya. Had I not read this post I wouldn’t be aware of the donation for the noble cause. Felt good after buying it
18 Mar – Benzac Daily Facial Cleanser
This is a product manufactured by a brand – Galderma, which is recommended by a lots of dermatologist. I would love to try on their product after reading your review in the series of Benzac products.
26 Apr – Roleaf tea: Variety Galore
This blog post is definitely a great news for tea lover. Despite all the coffee cafe sprouting, this is additional choices and flavors for tea-lover other than Boh tea, Twinning selections of tea, Ahmad tea and Chinese tea. Personally I love both coffee and tea!
28 Apr – Daylong Sun Protection
Reading this post and comparing the sun protector by Cetaphil, I wish to figure out the differences between the newly launched sun protection Daylong with Cetaphil UVA/UVB Defense? Seems like it was launched under the same brand of Cetaphil. With only differences with packaging. Really need go to the drug store and read its active content on the tube.
I have to be honest here and say I do not follow your blog frequently but drop by on and off depending on the updates I get through facebook. First bumped into your site last year looking for the same invitations! So, to be worthy of the invitations, I made sure I spent time reading every post from January to February and re-read what I read earlier this year as well.
31 JAN – Casual Dim Sum Dining At Tim Ho Wan
Yes I know this is mainly a beauty blog and I am not sure if I am suppose to pick a beauty entry as one of my three but Imma dudeee and I love foood so this will be one of my favourite post after reading through the entries. Why? Because it is freakin’ honest yo. Okay why did I start speaking like that, pardon me. When it first opened I saw friends posting on FB and news of the long lines, etc etc and from what I read the prices aren’t that cheap for dim sum as well. Your review of the food was straight to the point. Sooo, the wifey wanted to try and my response was “Eh blogger Juniper say the food is average only lah” “Really ah?” “Really lah and I trust her taste” “Okay la we try different restaurant” Boom! Saved money and saved my tongue from average overpriced dim sum.
27 FEB – Korean 4D Beauty Motion
This one I remembered really well because I actually bought one. My sister was hinting, actually not really hinting, she just said to my face “I want one Clarisonic brush” when I asked what she wanted for her birthday. Googled the device, after seeing the price got a heart attack but thankfully recovered and got back to my computer. Fuh. What in the world. So after reading that post somewhere in march I went to buy the 4D motion brush. A fraction of the Clarisonic and she loved it! Mini review after asking sis : the brush works really well! Soft and cleanses really well. Besides, your Clarisonic brush dieded right Miss Juniper? So, win-win!
16 JAN – Q&A With Godfrey Gao, SK-II Brand Ambassador
WHAT I LIKE is the part where he places importance on exercise and taking in enough water and eating right. I think the best beauty is remedy is always exercise. Healthy on the inside, beautiful on the outside. Your skin’s true condition will show whether you are healthy or not depending on whether you are healthy on the inside, make can help cover up but make up cannot help cure.
WHAT I DON’T LIKE is…wth don’t I look like Mr. Gao. Meh.
Juniper, keep up what you are doing. Don’t be disheartened at times. Your post sometimes help us readers without you knowing! *thumbs up*
My 3 favourite posts of 2015 are:
1) jan 17 laneige 20th anniversary water bank gel cream ex set
Your post lets me know and updates me about something iknow nothing about and I get excited and go waaaaa because this set was so cute! We women sometimes are suckers for packaging. Love the tin box and the rainbow tubes
2) jan 13 renaissance hotel weddings
This is where i want my dream wedding to be! Your post was great because now i know how much i need to save up for this. The ballroom looks amazing! No boyfriend and no money, but we can hope hahaha
3) jan 16 q&a with godfrey gao skii brand ambassador
I. Love. Godfrey. That is reason enough. Hahaha
Top 3 posts
28 Jan Lunar New Year Feast At Dynasty Restaurant : this one had many picture if compare with other food post u write. The pictures make the food look so good and sure they are good. Thank you for writing about food too and sometimes not all beauty product
4 Mar Avenue K Food adventure Was Rewarding In More Ways Than One : So happy you win! Sometime people taking advantage of blogger and use them with no rewaed but this post you win somwthing and best blogger u deserving. Happy for u
30 April Breakfast at TWG The Gardens :i like food post! I like twg macaroon and my mum too but sometime expensive. Did not know they serving breakfast because i usually just buy macaron and go back already. Nice pictures too
The post above written personally by my cousin
Asked her to read your blog and also liked your FB but when she used my phone to submit it is automatically under my name.
This is her name : June, email : hakimazm@gmail.com
It is actually difficult for me to choose just 3 post for 2015 because I think every post deserve love and attention. There are many that I love but here it goes:
My 3 favourite posts of 2015 are:
1. 9 Apr 2015 The Mirror : A Short Story- Could I say that I love short story and there is many thing to learn about especially when one wants to be a blogger. Personally, I feel that I am connected to this story even if it is just fiction.It is a very interesting story and I am so glad that you have something different.
2. Catrice Iridiscent Topper- I didn’t know that there is this brand that has this products that can turn the eyes’ makeup to become beautiful. This is the dupe of another product that I saw from the Michelle Phan makeup tutorial. So, glad that you introduce this product to me!
3. Taste enclave classic pavilion 19 April
Love this post because I always thought that Pavillion is a high end place that has all the expensive killer price because of the high end mall. I think this is a good affordable place with very good service and will sure patronise it when I am in KL.
Thank you Juniper and keep up your good work!
My top 3 post from junipersjournal.com in 2015 areeee
>>>1<<>>2<<>>3<<<HEAR IN HEART
5th April : Games We Used To Play
This was a giveaway post which I did not enter but what was written had heart. I love the old games we used to play, and reading this post brought back many fun memories. No Angry Birds, no iPads, no Xbox. Just us, batu seremban, rubber bands and rocks/stones/leafs and we had all the fun in the world…all almost FOC! Ahh..thanks Juniper.
OOPS My comment did not come out right because of the silly arrows…here it is again
My top 3 post from junipersjournal.com in 2015 areeee
30th March : MAC Cosmetics Technique Workshop From Femme To Feline : The Make-Up
Love that you passed on to us what you learned. It is informative with so many useful tips. I like your blog because it focuses on either the product/food/event instead of a million selfies like some ehem ehem. This post had fab tips and it really helps at times when you want to look like Mila Kunis but end up looking like the new imported panda in Zoo Negara. The tip about the darker foundation choice was awesome!
22nd April : The Best Lie Detector Is Pinocchio’s Nose : Honesty Is The Best Policy
One of the best things about your blog is honesty. The travesty is what people can say or do, and letting us know is it not easy to be a blogger. It is not about all stars, glitters and red carpet but sometimes lies, excuses and swept under the carpet. This post is honest and we feel you as readers. You have taken alot in stride and just to let you know, it is not in vain. You shouldn’t change for them, the industry should change for bloggers who are actually helping them and not being taken for granted.
5th April : Games We Used To Play
This was a giveaway post which I did not enter but what was written had heart. I love the old games we used to play, and reading this post brought back many fun memories. No Angry Birds, no iPads, no Xbox. Just us, batu seremban, rubber bands and we had all the fun in the world…all almost FOC! With rocks, sticks, leaves we became masterchefs! Although I do feel sorry and regret some berudu I caught in the longkang that had to pretend to be my tilapia for the day. I miss those days! Ahh..thanks Juniper.
For a MAC lover, I certainly look forward for your MAC post hehehehe my most anticipated and never failed to tempted the desire to empty my bank account (which also my favorite posts) are:
1) Cinderella collection
2) Toledo collection
3) Bao Bao Wan collection
Easy without a long explanation. Your information always consist of details that we as the reader really want to know before we go and buy those limited edition. Yeah I know we have international youtubers out there. But hey they are not malaysian. We don’t want those feedback that just two faced and yet they dont even use their brand.
Thank you
Not entering the giveaway but I would like to comment on this post, interesting question indeed!
1. MAC Toledo and Cinderella Collection posts: The reason is simple! I’m a huge fans of MAC and I can always get the latest info from your blog, thanks for all the swatches! I can always have a sneak peak on the MAC collection before I check them out at the store.
2. You Like Potato & I Like Potahto : US Potato Board Potato Appreciation Night
I love potato this post made me so hungry! An informative post that I learn more about potato, I never know the existence of a blue & purple potato till I read this post hehe!
3. The Mirror : A Short Story
This is really really funny and hilarious! It brought out the ugly scenes of the blogging world in an ironical and sarcastic way, I really like this story!
Can’t wait to see your haul from the EL staff sales!
Hi juniper,
Hopefully I’m still not too late to enter the giveaway… Ok here goes ;
I enjoy reading your blogs because u blog about my 3 favourite things ; makeup, skincare and also food
however I usually don’t have many things to comment about.
1. Juniper’s jaunt to MAC cosmetic sale. ( 30th April) I enjoy seeing what other people bought from warehouse sales and also the price of each items. Gives me a rough idea of what I can look out for if I have a chance to attend one of those sales.
2. MAC studio sculpt defining powder. ( 14th feb) Always loved MAC cosmetics and I like to read about your reviews on makeup especially the before and after photos ; Really shows what the makeup can do
3. Breakfast at TWG the gardens. I love breakfast and knowing someplace really nice that I can have a good and cosy breakfast is good. The only thing that had me pondering about going to this place to try is the price
it’s a tad bit pricey in my opinion. Nevertheless it still looks good
Thanks juniper !
Thanks so much for these “money can’t buy” passes
I am going yipieeee
Congratulations to all the winners
Yay!!! Thank you!!! See you there =)