After having lunch at Burger King @ Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall’s 3rd Floor, I walked past Gem Studio (relocated from nearby Sunway Clio Hotel 1st Floor). Gem Studio has been in Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall for just a week and there is a poster outside the hair salon advertising the hair colour services. It was this poster that stopped me in my tracks. You could say I came to a screeching halt when I saw the poster!
I couldn’t believe the prices. Short hair colour at just RM79? Where in the Klang Valley can I get my hair coloured for less than RM100? Was I back in the 1980s? I HAD to go inside and confirm this because some salons might say that my rather short hair is actually medium length in which case I would walk right out because there is no way my hair is medium length.
The chairs are in sweet pastel shades and it’s quite obvious that the owner of the salon loves unicorns. The hair dryers are all a teal blue shade (my kind of shade!) and I wanted to sink into one of those saccharine sweet shaded chairs. I enquired about the price of colour for my hair and yes, it is indeed RM79. Wow! I just got my hair coloured for RM100 and I thought that was a good price. In fact, I checked their Facebook page and their prices were even cheaper before relocating. A few months ago, it was RM59 for short hair and RM79 for medium hair colouring. Why didn’t I know about this salon earlier? Could have saved me a lot of money.
Never mind hair salons outside malls, they all charge at least RM100 for my hair length colour but Gem Studio is situated within a shopping mall. I went to another hair salon within the same mall minutes after I left Gem Studio and enquired about their prices for colouring my hair (this salon was offering a 50% discount on colouring) and was quoted RM250 (are you kidding me?) which meant I would still have to fork out RM125 after the discount.
I’d say Gem Studio offers a wide range of hair colours, you have the sombre as well as the bright and vivid fashion shades I love so much. So now you know there really is a hair salon within a major shopping mall in the Klang Valley that charges reasonable prices for hair colouring no matter what your hair length. I have got to go back and try their colouring services!