Kenny Roger’s Roasters has just introduced their range of Fortune Chicken Meal for Chinese New Year. The meals combine KRR’s rotisserie chicken with a choice of Bulgogi sauce, traditionally used for grilling beef, or Kimchi sauce, a sourish spicy chilli red sauce inspired by the Korean staple.
The Fortune Chicken Meals are made available in a variety of meal options from RM15.50 onwards as follows:
- Fortune Chicken Meal – ¼ Chicken + 2 Side Dishes
- Fortune Classic Meal – ¼ Chicken + 2 Side Dishes
- Fortune OMG Meal – 2 pieces of OMG Chicken + 2 Side Dishes + 1 Kenny’s Homemade Muffin
- Fortune OMG Classic Meal – 2 pieces of OMG Chicken + 2 Side Dishes

The Fortune Chicken Meal is one of the bolder approaches that KRR has experimented with. At the media review/tasting this morning, we were served both the Kimchi and Bulgogi options. I believe that most of us preferred the Bulgogi option. I find it tastier and personally I am not a fan of kimchi. The Bulgogi taste is more unique and makes me hanker for more.

KRR has also introduced the Kimchi Macaroni fusion topped with sesame seeds. The special drink is Orenji Splash (RM6 with purchase of any Fortune Meal – normal price RM7.90), a drink made with sparkling lemonade and soft candied orange bits.
For more information on these meals, please visit www.krr.com.my or www.facebook.com/krrmalaysia