Most of us are so used to using whitening serums which sell very well in Asia but sometimes these whitening serums can only do so much despite their claims. Kose Infinity Realizing White Stick XX is a breakthrough innovation that concentrates the whitening properties of Kojic Acid in a twist-up stick, for use on areas that are prone to blemishes, uneven skin tone and dark spots. Compounded with highly adhesive oil forms a film over the skin for constant delivery of active ingredients deep into the epidermis.
It’s a little waxy but there’s no sticky sensation. You don’t have to use it all over the face, just focus on areas that have dark spots so this stick does last a long time even with twice daily usage. So I have been using this stick for 4 weeks now and there’s still quite a bit of it left. The results are quite remarkable because it has had an effect on my pigmentation spots, they’ve gone lighter and that’s something most brightening serums I have used haven’t really achieved.
Product reviewed is a press sample.