Looking For His Forever Loving Home : Dog For Adoption

Two Fridays ago, as I was on the way home from a media event in the evening, I noticed a black dog lying outside one of my neighbour’s gate. I knew immediately that he was a stray as I know which are my neighbours’ dogs and this dog was definitely not one of them. Later, he was hanging out at the abandoned guard house next door (the “Bank Lelong” sign is not outside my house). The dog looked quite thin, he really looked like he could do with a good solid meal. I didn’t have anything to offer him at that time other than my cats’ kibbles so gave him some on Day 1 and he devoured that. Left him some water too.

It’s been many years since I encountered a stray dog on my street (fortunately). I’ve helped to rehome one many years ago. Now it looks like I have to rehome another one. The 2nd day Buster (I like that name) was on my street, I bought him proper dog food (Pedigree wet food) & discovered he loves beef. He is an energetic fellow as I was to discover in a few days, he likes taking walks and riling up the neighbourhood dogs.

I’ve allowed him on my house compound during the day. He likes chilling out on my porch and scaring my cats who take a peek at him through the wooden slats of the front door. I know that the majority of people love those pedigree toy dogs who look so cute in their strollers. Buster is a very masculine dog who has a big personality. I feel that he is very lovable and affectionate and can make a great pet for a person or a family who doesn’t mind a mixed breed dog. He’s hardy, doesn’t mind being in the rain and has a big grin on his face whenever he sees you come home. He has a loud bark that resonates but he won’t bark unnecessarily. He’ll let out a bark or two of joy when he greets you as you step out of your your car.

If anyone would like more information/details on Buster, please PM me on Facebook or email me (editor@junipersjournal.com).