Although you can probably find manuka honey produced in countries other than New Zealand, manuka honey will always be associated with New Zealand, first and foremost. What sets manuka honey apart from other types of honey is its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
There’re a myriad of healing properties from consuming or applying manuka honey ranging from soothing sore throats and coughs to treating wounds, skin infections, stomach ulcers, heartburns and sinus.
Manuka honey is produced from honey bees that feed on the blossoms of the manuka bush, otherwise known by its scientific name “leptospermum scoparium”, a tree native to New Zealand. There’s manuka honey and UMF® manuka honey so what’s the difference?
While manuka honey is similar to all other types of honey in that it has antibacterial properties, UMF® has an extra natural ingredient that combats infectious bacteria. UMF® manuka honey’s natural agent is more stable than in non-UMF® manuka and is therefore able to withstand heat and sunlight.
The higher the UMF®, the more effective the manuka is in healing illnesses, skin problems, etc. UMF® is the registered trademark of Active Manuka Honey Association and only licensed manufacturers can use this trademark on their Unique Manuka Honey.
The UMF® is followed by a number that indicates the level of the non-peroxide antibacterial property in a particular batch of honey. Only a UMF® level of 10 or more is endorsed as being useful by the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato.
Manuka honey is one of the best honeys as a baking ingredient. Whatever baking products with manuka honey as an ingredient will have a rather unique taste. In my baking experience, I’ve found manuka honey to be the most superior.
Here’s an easy, simple and quick recipe for honey biscuits from Robyn Martin:-
125g butter
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
Melt butter, honey and brown sugar to mix all the ingredients. Sift in flour and baking powder and mix until combined. Place tablespoonsful of mixture on to a greased oven tray. Flatten with a fork. Press a raisin into the centre of each biscuit. Bake at 160C for 10-15 minutes.
You can also add liquid honey into butter to be used on breads/scones/muffins.
Les Floralies at 1Utama stocks a wide range of NZ honeys including various UMF® manuka honeys (10+, 15+, 20+) from Waitemata Honey Co Ltd, licensees of the UMF® trademark (1014) and members of the Active Manuka Honey Association. With so many health benefits and uses, manuka honey is definitely as good as gold.