Now I know that some of you are waiting for the arrival of MAC’s The Simpsons Collection. I expect some products to sell out fast since I have been informed that stocks are very limited and no reservations are being taken so those who really want it have to walk in and try their luck. However, how would you like to win the Pink Sprinkles Powder Blush from the collection?
This is very much an impromptu giveaway as I thought it’d be nice to give away something very current to readers. Actually, I do have a lot of other products for Giveaways but I just don’t have time. Anyway, if you would like to win a Pink Sprinkles Powder Blush (there will be 2 winners), just answer this simple question:-
Who is your most favourite Simpsons character and why?
It doesn’t have to be someone from the Simpsons family. It could be one of the supporting cast like Ned Flanders or Montgomery Burns, just tell me why that character is your most favourite. My favourite is Lisa as she’s smart, sassy and spunky – she does get bullied a lot by Bart but she has such a good heart and cares for everyone. She has a very strong conscience and always tries to do the right thing. She is also a vegetarian and I admire her for that because I would also love to be a vegetarian some day.
Terms and conditions of this Giveaway:-
1. Giveaway exclusively for those who have ‘liked’ Juniper’s Journal’s Facebook page & with Malaysian addresses only.
2. Giveaway ends at 11.59pm Tuesday 2nd September 2014. .
3. Winners will be contacted via email once results are announced in this same post. Please respond within twenty four (24) hours otherwise another winner will be selected.
Updated 3rd September 2014:-
It was really tough to choose the winners of this Giveaway because if I could, I would give one to every single person who participated. However, winners have to be chosen and the blushers are going to:-
1. Devika
2. Christine
Hi Juniper! OMG, this is very generous of you!! I thought that I was dreaming until I have to slap myself when I see this giveaway! My favourite Simpsons characters is actually Marge! She had inspired me with her high beehive blue hair and that was really something unique to a 9 years old. That was the start of introduction to world of fashion to me. She is a lovely wife and an extraordinary mother despite just being a housewife. I find it is amazing that she is always the one holding the household together despite all the crazy antics in her family. She also have a very high moral values that she tried to instil in her children. I just love love love her. She is an examples of a wife and a mother but of course not perfect.
Thanks for doing an awesome giveaway.
My favorite Simpson character is Marge Simpson simply because she is a loving mother and she is very understanding of her family.
My favourite character from The Simpsons is Bart. Coz he’s funny and nonsensical. Very destressing. Haha.
Hi, my favourite Simpsons character is Homer because his crazy character made me laughed out loud.
Lisa Simpson!
1. She’s pretty, inside and out.
2. She’s intelligent, even more so than a great number of characters on the show.
3. She has charisma.
4. She’s independent.
5. She knows about certain stuff more than most characters on the show.
6. She’s a good singer.
7. She’s a good musician.
8. She’s one of the most mature characters on the show.
9. There are times when you can’t help but feel sorry for her, even in terms of romance.
10. She pretty much sets an example of how even funny shows should have a moral figure to help viewers see past the funny.
My favourite gonna be Homer Simpson!! Because of his funny character, I cracked and burst of of laughter every time I watched Simpson! He’s fat, he’s dumb, he’s humorous but he’s just so awesome! I love how he’s such a good father and devoted to his family although he’s just so incompetent at times! But because of him, I have an extraordinary childhood with Simpson…D’Oh!
It’s is Simpsons btw. Lol! Typo..
My favourite is definitely Lisa! The reason is rather simple, because I love her star-shaped hair! I thought it’s really really cool! When I was young, I always request my mum to get me this pretty “star” hairstyle hahaha~ Another reason is that she is really intelligent that she seems to know every single thing from astronomy to medicine! As a kid, I hope I can be as smart as her when I grow up.
I’m not good at musics since young so I really admire Lisa that she can play saxophone so well. Oh to some extend, Lisa is a role model to me. 
My absolute favorite Simpsons character is definitely Lisa Simpson. She’s cute, smart, and most of the time she’s the only voice of reason in the family! Lol She wears her heart on her sleeve and I admire that about her. My favorite episode is when Lisa gave Ralph a Valentine’s day card and then Ralph fell in love with her and relentlessly pursued her. His love for her reminds me of my husband and I. She didn’t end up with him but I married my Ralph! <3
P.s – I play the saxophone too…just not as awesome her!
My favorite character would be Bart Simpsons! He is really naughty. Dark humor is fully portrayed through his characteristic and his chalkboard gags. He looks innocent from his appearance but he is really funny!
I LOVE The Simpsons. My favorite Simpsons character is Homer !!!
HE IS THE FUNNIEST ANIMATED CHARACTER EVER! Homer is hilarious and cracks me up every time I watch the hilarious show called The Simpsons. His lack of knowledge cracks me up. Homer is the dumbest person but also the funniest person ever. The reason everyone loves him is because of what he does.
Homer is the king of cartoons! He is so funny! The reason The Simpsons is one of the best cartoon series ever is due to homer! No episode would be good without homer. And flanders wont be noticed as well without homey.
My favorite Simpson character is “Marge” Simpson. She represents every woman in the world.
She reminds me of my mum always trying to do right jugglein everything keeping the house spick and span really organized with loads of good ideas and talents u just dont know wat she can do next, but also with a fun side sorry but that the way it is i do like the others but had to pick her as my favorite.
Marge Simpson is easy to recognize in her ”green”, ”strapless dress” and piled-high ”blue hair”. She’s more than a mom, opening her own businesses or standing up for her beliefs.
My favorite Simpson character is Bart Simpson ^^
Bart is the id in all of us. He’s a prankster, a smart-mouth and a vandal. Yet he can show great compassion and tenderness for his family. I love his schemes, such as singing “In the Garden of Evil” in church. Above all, he’s just a kid.
Why I LOVE Bart Simpson? Ermm….Because he is like really funny and always lighted up the show and probably the main character and should be most favourite during the show as it goes on. Love bart when I was little I had a bart watch and when you pressed a button it said ” cool your jets man”
Wow firstly I would say how do you manage to give such awesome giveaways I mean nobody except for you was giving estee lauder passes and now simpsons collection, something that many have not even seen….HOW
Now about Simpsons……I like Homer Simpson for various reasons be it his favorite catch phrases “Woo hoo!” or “D’oh!” or his personality which is one of frequent stupidity, dimwit-ness, selfishness, laziness, and explosive anger; one might say it is that of the “Average Joe”. He also suffers from a short attention span which complements his intense but short-lived passion for hobbies. Homer is prone to emotional outbursts; he gets very envious of his neighbors, the Flanders family, and is easily enraged at his son, Bart, and strangles him in an exaggerated manner. While Homer has repeatedly upset people and caused all sorts of mayhem in Springfield, these events are usually caused by either his explosive temper or lack of foresight. Except for expressing annoyance at Ned Flanders, Homer’s actions are usually unintentional. Homer’s stupid antics often upset his family; however he has also performed acts that reveal him to be a surprisingly loving father and husband. Homer has a vacuous mind, but he is still able to retain a great amount of knowledge about very specific subjects. He often shows short bursts of astonishing insight, memory, creativity and fluency with many languages! Homer is also extremely confident; no matter how little skill or knowledge he has about anything he tries to do, he has no doubt that he will be successful. Homer has repeatedly survived things that could easily kill other people, and to end with his other infamous quotes “I hope I didn’t brain my damage.”
My favorite Simpson character is Marge Simpson.
~ Heheh…because I like her hair (special & unique). Her unusually large hairstyle, her height is reported to be 8’6″
~ Her hair was blue before she met Homer and was brunette at one time due to Marge ironing a piece of her hair for a long time. (She is the only one who has blue hair color in cartoon)
~ She is a good mother & beautiful happy homemaker. (Hope I will be like her in future)
The Simpson is the 20th century’s best television series. Love this show and pretty much.
It all was tied to some really great morning memories, so it had to be the one for my favorite childhood cartoon.
Congrats to the winners!
Thanks so much