This year I bought boxes and boxes of Hansaplast Plaster. The Elastic type has strong adhesive properties and is quite water-resistant. Then I bought a box of Hansaplast Universal thinking it was the type I use. I only realised my mistake when I opened one up. It isn’t the same quality as Elastic.

The Universal type doesn’t adhere that well and comes off in a few hours most of the time even when it hasn’t touched water. Once it touches water, it comes off immediately so it isn’t water-resistant at all much to my disappointment which means I use Universal twice more than Elastic since it comes off so easily. I find the Universal type to be really bad quality for a plaster. If I am lucky, it sticks for a few hours and if I am not, it comes off almost as soon as I stick it on. It doesn’t stick well at all on my feet. So it’s a waste of my money getting the Universal type.