Whenever we are upset, angry, disappointed about someone or something, it’s so easy to vent our frustrations on social media. In a way, it helps to get it out of our system but I’ve been wondering to what extent it’s appropriate to lash out at someone or something which we deem as unfair to us on our blogs and other forms of social media. I am more than culpable of this as I have on occasion blogged or even tweeted about something that pissed me off big time.
When it comes to our jobs, it probably isn’t the most discreet thing to do to voice out our emotions on social media particularly since our bosses can so easily find out about it and that will certainly land us in hot soup and delay whatever promotion/salary increment we have been hoping for.
There have been so many occasions this year where I’ve felt like blogging about something that happened to me vis-à-vis my blog. It could have been the way a complaint or an enquiry was handled or the certain perceived snobbishness or pettiness but I have restrained myself from letting it all out because once I go down that road, there’s no turning back. I consider my options very carefully because I don’t want my actions to have repercussions on me. If I stated that I’ll never ever purchase a particular product again, then I will have to keep to that otherwise I might lose a bit of my credibility and whatever I do say may come back and bite me on my ass, so to speak.
It would be so easy to trash a product or a service but what didn’t work for me may work for you and if I have been on the receiving end of some shoddy service, it may just be because the person whom I encountered has had a bad day. I don’t see the point in potentially jeopardising someone’s careeer/livelihood/business just because I am more angry than The Incredible Hulk could ever be.
At the end of the day, I realise that everyone will have a different perspective on whether it’s appropriate to rant away on social media and also to what extent. So far I haven’t been so angry about anything that I’ve lost sleep over it and while I may have been seriously annoyed by some petty stuff, I remind myself that these are just not worth getting too worked up over. Maybe I have mellowed with age because the “me” 20 years ago would probably have let it all out on social media. Just as well there was no social media then!
So what do you do when you are very angry or upset about someone or over something? Do you rant about it on your blog/Facebook etc. and does it make you feel better if you do so?
Hehe, I agree with you on the age thing. The me 3 years ago would let out on FB more without thinking. Another reason for this is that I’d just started playing with FB and that I didn’t know much about things we share there. Now, I don’t see the need for doing so. Instead, I prefer to share happy and pretty things. The world is overload with bad things already.
When i am angry, i will usually write them down and delete it after that. Or i would prefer to rant about it to someone (that poor person who has to listen to my crap). I just want to let it out. I don’t see the point of sharing it out on social media as i don’t think anyone care anyway. Agree with Bugs that sharing happy things and making someone happy makes me feel better and in a way happier =).
I don’t really like people who are always negative, dramatic or too emotional. Some of them cannot manage to control their anger then tend to publish negative posts on social media. Those negative energy might “hurt my eyes” so I choose to hide all negative posts from my news feed. For myself, I am an optimist, thus I tried another way to deal with my anger~ listen to music or watch a comedy movie or sleep rather than rant it out on social media. I prefer to spread happiness around to others and this really makes me feel good every day!