Guardian Live Healthy Live Beautiful Natural Products Fair : SPLAT


dsc_4871This morning was quite an interesting one as I attended the Guardian Live Healthy, Live Beautiful Fair which showcased 20 natural product brands ranging from health drinks/supplements to beauty products, some of which are totally new to me. The first booth I visited was SPLAT which I featured last year.

SPLAT develops and manufactures professional and natural oral care solutions for the whole family, ranging from toothbrushes, baby and adult toothpastes. SPLAT was founded by a Russian couple, Evgeny Demin and Elena Demina in 2000. The products are manufactured with natural halal ingredients and natural oils sourced from leading global producers.

Their signature product has to be the Blackwood Charcoal Toothpaste which has a cutting-edge combination of active ingredients which remove plaque formations and prevents them from reoccurring. Activated charcoal gives this toothpaste its black colour and removes stains. This toothpaste has a pungent juniper flavour.