By the time I got to episode 10 of the Korean drama “Eve”, I began to regret starting on it but I gritted my teeth and went to the last episode 16. It was hard for me to find any empathy/sympathy for Seo Yea Ji’s character, Lee Ra El/Kim Sun Bin. She’s not the 1st female lead in a drama to be hell-bent on revenge no matter what it takes but her modus operandi was ridiculous as firstly, she married to someone she hated and was partly responsible for her father’s death and losing his business. Secondly, she could seduce the richest businessman in Korea with her ghostly/ghastly pale make-up.
More than her over-dramatic acting which was completely unnatural especially her facial expressions, it was her make-up which was seriously irritating as she was just overly pale. Couldn’t they have put some colour on her lips? I think whatever lipstick they put on her was even paler than the natural tone of her lips. It was so horrible especially when the camera zoomed in on her face which was most of the time.
I find it incredulous that a savvy businessman like Kang Yoon Gyeom could have fallen head over heels in love with her even if he had an unhappy marriage. He didn’t think it necessary to look into the envelope which his estranged wife handed to him which had background information on Lee Ra El. He just didn’t care to know and chose to believe Kim Sun Bin.
Although Kang Yoon Gyeom found Kim Sun Bin in his walk-in safe where he stored sensitive files which could bring him down, he didn’t even look at the file she was holding which was the blood-stained document her father was forced to thumb print to hand over his company, Gediks Semiconductors. Actually Kang Yoon Gyeom didn’t do anything to cause her father’s demise but Kim Sun Bin told him to kill everyone involved in her father’s death and then kill himself. I really disliked her character as it was unnecessarily psychotic and absurd.
Kang Yoon Gyeom changed the password for his walk-in safe and then gave her the new password asking her to retrieve a box for him. With that, she managed to get the blood-stained document to file a suit against Kang Yoon Gyeom and those involved in her father’s coerced handover of his company.
The outfits Kim Sun Bin wore are of course exquisite and beautiful but somehow they didn’t flatter her as she looks like she’s seriously in need of a few good meals. Moreover, I feel that the designer wear is so out of place especially that green cocktail gown she wore to the kindergarten to reveal to Han So Ra that she is her husband’s mistress. There may be dramas which are more suited for such high end outfits but I don’t think “Eve” is the right drama for such outfits.
There are a lot of things that don’t make sense like how she followed Kang Yoon Gyeom around in Spain like a spy to find out what he was interested in so that it would be easy-peasy to seduce him. Then there’s that Lee Sang Yeob’s character Seo Eun Pyeung. It’s like he only has one expression throughout the entire drama. In the last episode, he quits his job as an up-and-coming politician just to run off to Spain to find Lee Ra El. Seriously? Even if he was that lovestruck, it’s surely unnecessary to throw away his promising career to be with her, especially when she doesn’t love him. I can’t think of a worse Korean drama I have watched.