From RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection



I don’t know about you but I am glad to see this year come to a close in a few days. It hasn’t been smooth sailing, that’s for sure. Being surrounded by beauty products is only a brief respite from the realities of life. During this year, many of us were made aware of how unexpected life can be which should make us appreciate and cherish our loves ones all the more.

There are ups and downs in life, it’s like a roller-coaster ride sometimes. I am sure many of us have had to work our asses off for the things we have. I hope to make someone’s day a little more cheery with this Giveaway from RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection : the MAC Love Rihanna Bronzing Powder and MAC Riri Woo Nail Lacquer. The bronzing powder is especially lovely in exclusive white-pearl packaging with rose-gold details.

RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection Bronzing Powder is a collectable item – you may not want to touch the surface!

If you’d like to participate in this Giveaway, please comment on the following:-

How has 2014 been like for you and are you relieved to bid adieu to this year and look forward to the start of a brand new year?

Terms and conditions of this Giveaway:-

1. Giveaway exclusively for those who have ‘liked’ Juniper’s Journal’s Facebook page & with Malaysian addresses only.

2. Giveaway ends at 10pm Wednesday 31st December 2014.                     .

3. Winner will be contacted via email once result is announced in this same post. Please respond within twenty four (24) hours otherwise another winner will be selected.

Updated 1st January 2015

Winner of this Giveaway is:-

Stephanie Koh


  1. The year of 2014 felt like a roller-coaster ride to me. Many ups and downs, twists and turns. Definitely a very stressful and tensed year to me. Faced huge struggle with my study, work, family and changing environment. At the same time, I was blessed to have some timeout with cousin and friends, visited Korea and Mulu, Sarawak. I felt kinda lost and kept having anxiety attacks throughout the year, but I’m lucky enough to have a few BFFs who are always there to lend a helping hand and a shoulder when I needed the most. I’m sort of relieved to bid adieu to this year, but yet I don’t really look forward to the start of a brand new year. Uncertainties make me feel scared to step into another year. Because I know it’s gonna be a life-changing year. I have to finish up my masters studies and fully step into the working world. No idea where will I end up, a whole new and foreign place, or stay in comfort at where i am now? Regardless, a new year means a new me. It means I can correct what I did wrong previously and improve on what I can do better. Mixed feeling about the new year. Nevertheless, I still hope next year will be a better and happier year for me, for everyone, for our country, for the world 🙂

  2. Thank you again for this awesome awesome giveaway! You truly are the most generous one. Although I won already, I just want to join and give support to your entire awesome awesome giveaway! So beautiful MAC Love Rihanna Bronzing Powder. Envious to whoever is the lucky winner =).
    I love this question as it is really something close to my heart!
    In a few days, 2014 is going to end soon and I don’t know if I am actually looking forward or be afraid of what is going to come my way for 2015. Just like what Forest Gump(Tom Hanks) always said life is just like a box of chocolates, I get lot of unexpected surprise in both “good” and “not so good things”. I tried to learn from the “not so good things” and grow from it than keep blaming myself or others. Anything good that comes my way, I enjoyed it while I can because it may not last. Just like the rains(signifies sadness) will end, there will be rainbow which signifies happiness but both won’t last too. If it is bad, it won’t last. If it is good, enjoy it because it might not be forever.
    I really don’t know what to expect for 2015 so just let life reveal its own course. It might break me or might make me into a stronger person. As for 2014, it is already going to be in the past and living with happy memories is better than holding us down with negativity. After all it is better to appreciate things we have now than regret it later right?
    Sorry for such a philosophical rambling about myself here but this questions really ignites my ‘writing” mode. I hope 2015 is going to be a better year for Juniper and others too.

    • Sorry, this might not consider as the entry but I just want to talk about it because it happens on new year’s eve. I had to rush back immediately on 8hours bus and then go for 3hours journey again for a medical treatment. Don’t need to talk about my father who is just craving for too much of attention and acts like spoiled child.

      I went fasting for 12hours+ with only water and rushing for medical treatment on the road full of trailers with a manual car is not a joke with an ailing father is of no help.
      I was on the verge of breaking running up and down for a porridge that is nowhere to be found and had to settle for a cup of hot coffee. I don’t know why I had to be treated so badly by the woman at the drink counter for not informing her earlier that I want it to be in paper cups. That drink cost RM4 and I have to be scolded. Is it because I deserve some scolding because I look dumb or is it because I do not buying few Ks worth of coffee? That coffee is for my father or else I won’t even consider buying anything at all.

      I can’t even cut queue because the people won’t allow me despite hearing me saying my father needs it. Why I have to be treated so badly and of course I don’t want to create a scene! At that moment, I feel like crying but I can’t because I have more urgent things that matters. I even thanked that woman for giving me such crappy service. Life sucks when families are having problem but it sucks also when others are making life even harder for us despite those saying of being empathic and sympatric. I rushed back after that for work despite so drained of energy, health and sleep. Not that I love my work okay? I am still having food allergic and my whole back is swollen and I am still battling to not scratch it despite it being so itchy.

      My new year and new years eve just sucked big time and if time can reverse, I don’t want to get stuck in Year 2014 at all because I have to go through too many pains that might just turn me into one mentally imbalanced person.

  3. The year 2014 was like a tar road with fews of small holes and lastly a bump on it. Sometimes can go really smooth but sometimes I need to slow down for a deep thought.
    I was still in the same working position for the whole year and facing some challenges from work time to time. Yet I can say 2014 is consider quite stable for me, and I’m ready to bid adieu with 2014 and welcomed 2015 with hope in changing to a new environment! Perhaps better career opportunities. Beside, in this year I managed to fulfil my travel dreams, manage to visit few ASEAN countries! Now I’m looking forward to welcome 2015 by completing my footsteps in all the ASEAN contrirs, which is 3 more to go!
    At the very end of 2014, I lost my secondary school roommate yesterday. We have been through alots of joys and tears. May she rest in peace and hope her family can stay strong. Besides, it is consider a tough year for our fellow Malaysian. All of us have a tough time with few air tragedy and a lots of the people is facing flood condition which heavily affect the daily lives. Let’s us help to pray for them and hoping that all of us will have a better year ahead!

  4. The year 2014 has been an eventful year for me. It started as a happy year for me becoming an official couple early of the year. With all the preparations and further understanding between spouse, you learn certain things that you won’t about your partner throughout the years. Looking to end the year with a bang with the beautiful ceremony and wedding. Always have been a girl’s dream to have the most beautiful wedding and be the most beautiful on her big day.I really was so happy for the year until recently.

    However, before the year could end with this beautiful note, i have to go sprained my ankle and my new house being burglared recently has marred this year with a sad note. Certain electronics and keepsake were taken that was dear to me. Certainly looking to bid adieu with all this bad incidents happening now. Just my luck..and such heartbreak to lose belongings.

    I will certainly look forward to a better year for 2015. For myself and as a Malaysian, I know with all the ups and downs happening to both myself and the country will be slowly become a thing of the past. But ones still can’t help but lament over the loss of lives and belongings. Hopefully we can be one and wash all this sad incidents to the past.

    Thanks Jupiter for all the reviews and giveaways. It has certainly gives me solace and good advices for items that i have loved to tried.
    Happy New Year Jupiter! Looking forward to your good reviews in 2015.

  5. The year 2014 has been a rough year for me especially work wise. I have been very stressed since Jan and been releasing stress by buying makeup! Thankfully this year has been an intersting year with special collections and collaborations. But I feel blessed that throughout this year, I have no major health problem except the usual flu and cough. Overall 2014 was not my year and I am hoping that 2015 will be more lucky for me.

  6. It’s the last day of 2014! This year is an extreme year for me hehe~ The 1st 6 months was really torturing and suffering because I was struggling hard in completing my thesis. I spent most of my time in the laboratory and that’s really disastrous! Imagine that you can’t get the desired results in your experiments, oh I never want to go through all that for a second time. 2014 is an important year for me because I finally completed my Bachelor degree and that is an important milestone in my life. I enjoyed myself so much in the second part of 2014. I spent my time on travelling and doing everything I like such as reading, doing handicrafts, drawing, writing calligraphy, taking photos and cooking. I can’t afford to carry out all these leisure activities in the past and in the second part of the year, I indulged myself in doing everything I love. I can’t wait to start my 2015 since I will start a brand new working life, which I have never tried before! I hope 2015 will treat me kind yeah!

    Happy New Year to you too Juniper!

  7. Hi Juniper,
    I feels so good because everything’s going smooth. This year 2014 I achieved the personal goals I set. I realize that with each year comes growth and new goals. So I have a new list of goals to achieve in 2015.
    1. Discover something about me I never knew before
    2. Increase my earning potential
    3. Save towards my dream vacation regardless of the economy

    The year 2014 has been a lucky year for me too as I’m still alive. There was few sadness disasters happened by this year. We praying hard for those victims of MH370, MH17, QZ 8501 tragedy, flood in Kelantan and etc.

    There has never been more reason for people world over to expect, as well wish each other, a happy and prosperous new 2015.

  8. The year 2014 has been a happiness year for me. I delivered my own baby. For the first time it dawned on me. The birth was such a fantastic experience, I felt I could tackle anything. Those 55 minutes were the most intense of my life: pain, fear, relief, elation. Wonderful…

    It’s unbelievable how fast 2014 has gone by. It seems like yesterday we were starting to prepare for this year, getting ready to make our list of goals, evaluating the things we did in 2013… And now, pretty much with the blink of an eye, we’re doing the same thing, but heading to 2015! Where has time gone? As the years pass by us, it’s always important to keep our loved ones in our minds and hearts, and always show them how much we care.

    I am always excited about this day because I can’t wait to find out what this New Year is going to bring me. New Years marks a new beginning. New people to meet, new adventures to enjoy and new memories to create. But for now, let’s celebrate!

    Here’s wishing you the Happy New Year ever!