Clarins Super Restorative Treatment Essence


dsc_0021Nowadays toners are not your typical toner, they don’t hydrate skin only. A products like Clarins Super Restorative Treatment Essence is described as an “energizing anti-aging lotion for maturing skin.” The Super Restorative range is Clarins’ ideal range for mature skins.

This is a quick pick-me-up for tired skin weakened by the natural aging process with gently exfoliating Hibiscus Flower acids and replenishing Harungana extract to visibly smooth, refine pores, soften skin and revives radiance. Think of this as a prep for subsequent skincare.

The texture is lovely as it isn’t as fluid as most toners and can be patted on to skin with palms or applied with a cotton pad. It indeed has a softening and smoothing effect on skin. Truly the perfect prep for skin, it is great as a hydration booster.

Product reviewed is a press sample