Rouge Dior Ultra Rouge Ultra Light & Ultra Night Have Special Functions

Rouge Dior Ultra Rouge Ultra Night & Ultra Light
Rouge Dior Ultra Rouge Ultra Night & Ultra Light

There are 2 lipsticks in the Rouge Dior Ultra Rouge range that are worthy of mention as they have special functions. These are Ultra Light 000 & Ultra Night 111. Ultra Light is a pure white to neutralize your natural lip colour or to soften another shade while Ultra Night is a black that enables you to intensify each shade. You would use Ultra Light OVER a lipstick you want to lighten and Ultra Night BEFORE a lipstick you want to intensify.

Lipstick only
Lipstick only
Lipstick and Ultra Night side by side
Lipstick and Ultra Night side by side
AFTER using Ultra Light over the lipstick and Ultra Night under the same lipstick shade
AFTER using Ultra Light over the lipstick and Ultra Night under the same lipstick shade

So if you have a lipstick, you can get 3 shades out of that lipstick if you have Ultra Light and Ultra Night. I would love to have Ultra Light as I have some dark lipsticks which need to be lightened.

Rouge Dior Ultra Rouge Ultra Light & Ultra Night retail at RM133.