Craving The Best Portugese Tart At Memorie Cafe

Looks as good as it tastes
Looks as good as it tastes

I can’t say I am much of a dessert person as I don’t have a sweet tooth. I prefer savoury foods to sweet as I don’t have much of a tolerance for sweet stuff. However, I have been thinking of the Portugese Tart at Memorie Cafe a lot ever since I attended their official opening at Sunway Pyramid several weeks ago.

There were trays and trays of freshly baked Portugese Tarts waiting to be consumed and they did go like hot cakes into the bellies of hungry guests. I had one and then another and then another. I must have eaten at least 3 and I wanted more but my stomach was so full by then as I had tried all their other delicious main meals.



The exterior is super crispy and then you get that soft eggy interior that is so wonderful that I can’t even describe how amazingly awesome the combination is. At RM3.70 per piece, I think it is totally worth the price as it’s even better than a piece of cake which can cost as much as 5x the price of 1 Portugese Tart.