Three years ago when my neighbour’s house was then uninhabited, I saw a mother cat with her three awfully shy kittens. At that time, I had absolutely zero interaction and experience with cats and never considered myself a cat person. In fact, I was a little apprehensive about approaching cats as they have such sharp claws but from a distance, day after day, as I watched the kittens play with each other, running around the compound and bonding, I grew gradually very fond of them. I took out some cat kibbles which had been given to me at some event and threw them at the family. They ran to wherever I threw the kibbles and gave them more which I bought from the supermarket.
Out of the family of four, only this male cat remained with me. His mother disappeared last November much to my disappointment as I have been feeding all of them since 2017. I love this cat and named him Ser Radar. He has been neutered, has a wonderfully clam temperament like his mother and he can meow all day especially when he wants some TLC and food. I never knew I would fall for a cat the way I have for this ginger kitty. He is my constant companion day and night, the one I look forward to seeing every day and I couldn’t have asked for a better cat. I just cannot resist giving him belly rubs and my heart melts whenever he gazes at me!
One day I might write more details about him but for now, I will post this poem written by my friend, The Blue Flamingo titled “My Adorable Ser”.