Beauty World Makeup Palette From nomakenolife Beauty Box

Beauty World Makeup Palette Natural Color
Beauty World Makeup Palette Natural Color

There are a lot of makeup palettes similar to Beauty World Makeup Palette which is in the nomakenolife Beauty Box I received last month. This one has 10 shades which can be used as eyeshadows and blush. I am a little puzzled as to how and why this one is called Natural Color as the shades like blue, red and green make it more tropical than natural.

Shades on left side of palette
Shades on left side of palette
Shades on right side of palette
Shades on right side of palette

The shades on the left side of the palette swatched better than those on the right side which is not to say color pay-off is fantastic. The shades on the right side of the palette seem quite rough to the touch and less pigmented, more matte.