BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken With Goji Berry In BRAND’S Soup


dsc_6256At the BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken With Goji Berry event a few days ago, BRAND’S prepared a soup made with BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken With Goji Berry. When it was still boiling away merrily in the Cuckoo cooker, I could smell how delicious it was going to taste. Many others were also drawn towards the cooker by the enticing aroma.

dsc_6254dsc_6258dsc_6257Instead of chicken, you can replace the meat with 2 bottles of BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken With Goji Berry. It’s a simple recipe which doesn’t require a lot of ingredients, perfect for anyone who wants a hassle-free soup, it tastes so rich and nourishing. I loved it and would have gone back for a second cup if I wasn’t in a hurry to leave to beat the evening rush hour traffic.