At the media launch gala dinner on Friday night held at Ruyi & Lyn, Bangsar Shopping Centre, Carlsberg wished everyone an excellent start to the year with the six things that matter the most in life, in hopes it will take form in the best state – best wishes in excellence in Fortune, Health, Bonus, Luck, Business and Friendship.
Carlsberg proposed a toast to Lunar New Year 2016 being “Probably The Best Year”. Playing on the Mandarin and Cantonese pronunciation of the number ’16’ (Yi Liu), refers to excellence, top notch or simply the best.
Bringing to life the CNY campaign tagline “Probably The Best Year”, Carlsberg for the first time ever launched 7 limited edition deisgns with the 7 icons across its cans and big bottles available nationwide during this festive period. To mark the launch of the CNY campaign, Carlsberg unveiled a seven-tier limited edition festive can structure packaged to create a magnificent one-of-a-kind Carlsberg bamboo.
Towering at 10 feet height and 8 feet width, the structure even dispensed Carlsberg brews. Each of the 7 tiers carried a symbolic meaning, starting with ‘best of Friendship’ at the foundation, ‘best in Business’, ‘best of Luck’, ‘best in festive Bonus’, ‘best of Health’, ‘best of Fortune’ and finally topped by ‘Probably The Best Year 2016’ at the peak of the Carlsberg Auspicious Bamboo.
The significance of the Chinese bamboo is found in the way its body sways harmoniously in the breeze whilst firmly rooted in the ground below. In time, even the strongest wind tires itself out, but the bamboo remains standing tall, still, infinitely progressing and developing.
Similar to the spirit of the bamboo, Carlsberg believes that one with a strong state of mind yet versatile in different situations will allow them to enjoy the journey rather than the destination as they strive to the top in year 2016.
In conjunction with the CNY campaign, consumers can now strike a ‘big fortune’ with Carlsberg’s nationwide campaign running from now until 29 February 2016. Consumers who collect four crown corks are entitled to redeem a RM2 Magnum Voucher and stand a chance to win the Magnum Jackpot or redeem Jolly Shandy, depending on location.
Actually, I didn’t know the ostrich dish was ostrich. I thought it was beef initially but it didn’t taste like beef on 2nd thought and it was so chewy. Not to my taste at all. The reason I didn’t have a clue what the dishes were was because one of the diners had taken the menu before I even got to the table. I thought it was quite unusual for there NOT to have been a menu on the table. I saw the stasher producing it out of her handbag almost at the end of the meal and guessed it was the missing menu. If there was only one menu at the table, I certainly wouldn’t be so inconsiderate as to stash it away before the rest of the diners arrived. When I saw the menu next to her plate after she’d finally taken it out, I asked her male companion if he’d seen the menu when he first got to the table. He said he had but it’d then disappeared. I wanted to point out the menu to him and ask him to hand it over but I thought I’d see if he would notice. After a few minutes, he did notice and handed it to me. Doesn’t it occur to people that others at the table might wish to have the benefit of perusing the menu? Isn’t this basic table etiquette? Furthermore, since she was so good at taking photos of every dish as soon as the dish was placed on the table, couldn’t she have taken photos of the menu and left the menu on the table for the rest of us who might have wishes to avail ourselves of it? Is this the level or extent of selfishness people have stooped to nowadays?
The best dish was the Steamed River Prawns as the Carlsberg-Infused Egg Sauce was so delicious. While I am on the subject of table etiquette, I know it is the Chinese custom to toss the “yee sang” as high as possible but I was sitting opposite someone who was inordinately excellent in that “skill” and he tossed the “yee sang” so high that a lot of it flew towards my hand and direction, landing on the tablecloth in front of me. Sloppy and unnecessary waste of food. I felt like throwing some back in his direction but I am not such a wastrel, especially when it comes to food. Makes me wonder whether they’d do the same thing at home where they’d have to clean up after themselves.