Drugstore Find Of The Week #2: IN2IT Eye Colour Palette


With many of the counter brands increasing their prices lately, drugstore cosmetics suddenly became more appealing. One product which caught my eye lately was the IN2IT Eye Colour Palette, there are actually 4, i.e. 01 Tropicana, 02 Riviera, 03 Mousse and 04 Scorched.



03 & 04 palettes are earth-toned colours which didn’t appeal to me but 01 & 02  stopped me in my tracks, especially 02 which had 4 complementary colours. Not one colour was out of place in this quad, from top to bottom, there are:-

(a) beige-yellow

(b) turquoise

(c) grey-blue

(d) dark blue

There is a mirror but no eyeshadow applicators which didn’t bother me because more often than not, I don’t use the applicators provided. The texture is not as chalky as I’d expected of a brand sold in a drugstore (in fact, it is quite smooth) and colour pay-off is good. There aren’t any horrible glittery bits or extreme shimmer.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how I used the quad:-

Apply (a) shade all over eyelid
Apply (b) shade from outer corner towards middle of eye crease
Apply (c) shade from inner corners towards (b) shade
Blend (c) shade towards (b)
Apply (d) shade with pointed sponge tip applicator as eyeliner

These quads are available in Watsons but not Guardian’s and after I purchased the 02 quad, I found some even newer IN2IT quads at another Watsons but I found the colours of the 02 quad to be the best.

Qualitywise, I’d say pretty good for a brand found in a drugstore, some counter brands have worse colour pay-off than this lot. Pricewise, there are absolutely no complaints as they retail at RM21.90 but I even managed to get the 02 palette at a 10% discount, making it just RM19.70, exceptional value for better than average quality eyeshadows. The net weight is 4.5g, this is one drugstore eyeshadow palette that really impressed me.

Although Guardian has IN2IT, I couldn’t find these palettes at any Guardian outlets. I assume they are available exclusively at Watsons. At some Watsons outlets, these palettes have been superseded by what appears to be newer quads.