I have always been wary of buying shoes online because I cannot try them on to see whether they will be a good fit or whether they will be comfortable. However since CNY is approaching, I threw caution to the wind on the last day of 2019 and ordered 2 pairs of embroidered canvas shoes from China as the reviews about the service from the seller and the shoes were mostly positive. I do so like reading buyers’ comments as they can make or break the sale for me.
One pair was black with floral design and the other red lace up wedges with crane design. I normally wear size 39 or 40 here depending on the cutting of the shoes. To be on the safe side, I ordered size 40. Too big can be fixed but too small is a bigger problem. The shoes arrived yesterday, so fast. They were shipped from Shanghai.
Between the 2 pairs, the black gave a better fit. It’s not terribly comfortable but then again not that uncomfortable either. They would be slightly more comfortable if I wear stockings. They aren’t great for walking around for hours. I would classify these as decorative shoes. I would wear them to a place where I know for sure I can sit down most of the time. They are pretty to look at but not that functional for walking/standing.
As for the red pair, I find it a bit of a hassle to lace them. Also the left side is bigger than the right side. Overall the black pair is more comfortable. They’re nice to look at but comfort is an issue. I don’t think they are durable shoes but at that price (both totalled below RM50) one can’t really complain about the quality. Anyway when I made the decision to order, I already knew what I was getting.