It’s a bad sign when you start to have bad hair days all the time and I’m feeling that my hair is more in need of treatments than ever. I need another hair makeover soon as the ends of my hair feel particularly dry and straw-like. Definitely need something more than conditioner which is why I started using HASK Kalahari Melon Oil Color Protection Deep Conditioner, bought 2 sachets when Guardian had their 40% off all hair products promo a few weeks ago.
Product description :
This deep conditioner is an ultra-restorative, hydrating treatment that will preserve and nurture color treated hair. Kalahari melon oil, found in the African desert, is known as a color-locking, damage-blocking ingredient. Counteracts dry-out and fading, leaving hair soft and nourished while helping to maintain long-lasting vibrant color.
I don’t think any treatment available to me now is that long-lasting. My hair feels dry again in a few days but I like this creamy deep conditioner as it smells strongly of melon. The scent remains even when it has been washed off.