JOHNSON’S Active Kids Shampoo For Toddlers And Kids (3 Years & Above)


dsc_5445-1Kids’ Shampoo Needs

Although toddlers’ and young kids’ skin is not as delicate as newborns’ or babies in the first year of life, their skin is still developing. As such, adult shampoos are not suitable for them as they may be too rich or harsh for toddlers’ and kids’ tender scalp.

On the other hand, active toddlers and kids also need a gentle and performing shampoo that cleanses the scalp and manages their hair, especially in Malaysia’s hot and humid weather that usually causes more sweating.

Advanced Formula for Growing Kids

JOHNSON’S Active Kids Shampoo for toddlers and kids is formulated to be gentle versus adult shampoo and yet effective for toddlers’ and kids’ hair and skin. The formula is pH balanced and paediatrician approved. It comes in 3 variants:

  • Shiny Drops – contains Argan oil and silk protein for soft and shiny hair;
  • Clean & Fresh – formulated with Active Fresh™ technology for long lasting freshness; and
  • Soft & Smooth – contains honey and wheat extract to bring out hair’s natural smoothness and shine.