Bespoke tailoring, bespoke jewelry, bespoke travel services and now bespoke drinks. Yes, you can have your drinks custom made at Snö, which is Swedish for “snow”. Snö offers shakes and smoothies without ice, concentrates or juice using only fresh fruits and premium chocolate.
You can choose the ingredients that go into your drink or you can also choose drinks off their menu, such as Snö mango or Snö berry (my favourite as it contains frozen yogurt, strawberries, honey and Kellogg’s® Frosties).
It’s really fun to custom make your own drinks because you can mix-and-match whatever ingredients you fancy. The list of ingredients is long but the process of choosing your own drink is easy and uncomplicated. Just tap on the iPad screen as you follow the instructions and once you confirm the order, a receipt will be printed out and you just collect your drink at the counter.
The major difference between Snö and other places that offer shakes and smoothies is that Snö doesn’t use ice in the drinks, hence you get an undiluted drink, this way you can really taste the essence of the fresh fruits that have gone into the drink.

If you need help ordering your custom made drink, the ever helpful staff at their 3 outlets in Pavilion, Sunway Pyramid and The Gardens will offer suggestions and recommendations. The best thing about Snö’s drinks (other than that they taste awesome) is that you are not restricted to what’s on their menu, everyone can have the drink they fancy. It’s interactive, it’s fun and it’s all about putting choices literally in your hands.
For more information on Snö and their products, visit their website and/or facebook page.