Neesya™ Lumi™ Brightening Enzymatic Refiner



Neesya™ Lumi™ Brightening Enzymatic Refiner is a gentle, non-abrasive exfoliant for promoting luminous clarity and brighter skin. Some skins are very sensitive and cannot use exfoliators with scrub granules so exfoliating masks are more suitable for such skin types.

This product contains papaya fruit enzymes that gently dissolve, lift away dead surface cells and skin dullimg impurities. It’s specially formulated to help promote cell renewal, fade superficial blemishes and clear pores. It has extract of Silver Vine and Alpha-Melight™ to brighten and illuminate skin and aloe vera extract to soothe and restore moisture.


To use, smooth the gel Enzymatic Refiner over cleansed, dry skin. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. Before rinsing, wet fingers and perform a quick circular massage. The gel would have dried up quite a bit within 10 minutes.


afterYes, the results are obvious after 10 minutes. My skin became brighter and more luminous, as if the layer of dullness had been peeled away revealing newer and more radiant skin. I know, I know, I have serious dark circles and need something equivalent for my eyes!

Neesya™ Lumi™ Brightening Enzymatic Refiner retails at RM35/75ml.

Neesya™ Lumi™ Brightening Enzymatic Refiner reviewed is a press sample.