With the restricted movement order in place, life would be a lot tougher if there was no online retail therapy as we can only buy essentials now. Even for those of us working from home or doing our long delayed spring cleaning, we need a little distraction in the form of online shopping (there’s only so much tv or playing online games one can take).
So a few weeks ago, I ordered an Adidas sling bag from China and it took almost 3 weeks to arrive. The seller shipped it out within days of payment but I think it was probably stuck at some port somewhere.
This is Bag #1 which was around RM26 (not inclusive of postage):
I ordered black but the coloured variation came. The coloured bag is acceptable as it’s kind of holographic. It’s really quite small but then I like small bags as I don’t have much to carry around. It’s a bag for leisure time obviously. I like the fact that there is a handle so I don’t have to use it as a sling bag. After I placed the order for this bag, I realised there are plenty of local suppliers I could have ordered from and at a cheaper price too, would have got to me a lot sooner.
Then there’s Bag #2 which arrived today (ordered this week):
The second bag is from a seller in Johor and she gave a pen as a free gift which is a nice gesture. This bag is even smaller than Bag #1. I noticed from the buyer’s comments that most of them chose the same variation as mine. This one doesn’t have a handle like Bag #1. The price of this bag is RM16.50 with free shipping.