Recently, I was quite tempted to do some online shopping for clothes but I have never done so before and therefore had reservations for a few reasons. First and foremost, what if it didn’t fit? It’s troublesome to return the item even if postage is borne by the seller. Secondly, I like to try on clothes before I buy and it’s not just to get the right fit as I want to feel the material. Thirdly, what I see online may not be exactly what I get so with all these doubts running through my mind, I just couldn’t bring myself to order online. Not yet anyway. There may come a day when I may succumb. I may not be shopping online for clothes today but that doesn’t mean I won’t do so tomorrow or in the near future.
I’d like to know how many of you have shopped online for clothes. Are you a regular online shopper for clothes? If you are, please tell me your experience, whether you were satisfied or not with the service and quality of the products. If you are like me and have never shopped online for clothes, please tell me why.
Yes, this is a Giveaway and this is the prize worth over RM500. This set consists of Elianto, MAC, MUFE and L’occitane products.
Terms and conditions of this Giveaway:-
1. Giveaway exclusively for those who have ‘liked’ Juniper’s Journal’s Facebook page & with Malaysian addresses only.
2. Giveaway ends Saturday 17th October 2015. .
3. Winner will be contacted via email once result is announced in this same post. Please respond within twenty four (24) hours otherwise another winner will be selected.
Updated 18th October 2015
Winner of this Giveaway:-
I’ve shopped online for clothes a few times. No comments about the services, coz they were neither bad nor good. What i can tell you about shopping online for clothes is you must know very well about your own body. You’ve to know what is your actually size and what style that suites you and never goes wrong. It’s better to stick to the brands you are familiar with so that the cutting of the size you’ve chosen is consistent. Another tip is to stick to western brands if your size is a little bit of a plus-size, coz the cuttings of Asian brands is quite small. Lastly, if you want to try new styles and uncertain if it suites you, just head to the shops, don’t waste your money.
I shopped online for clothes, bags and shoes before. The bag I got is not the size I expected but the clothes and shoes can fit well and I am satisfied with the quality. I got the bag and clothes from two different websites so I believe that the quality of clothes and their service really depend on what website you buy it from. It is true that we cannot try the clothes before we buy it, so sometimes the cutting and size problem occurs. However, normally I will buy from some websites I trust and familiar with their cutting and size. I will look at other comments on the products as well to see whether the product is good or not. For taobao website, other customers will upload some real photos of the product after receiving it. This helps me to judge its quality and to decide whether to buy it or not. It is fun to shop online but we need to do some survey before we buy. I am always very excited when I receive the products, I do not know why,hahaha!!!
I love online shopping because I feel like sending a present to myself when I receive the parcel from the postman, it feels so good! I do buy clothes from online website but I don’t do it very frequently. All of my online shopping experiences (for clothes) are very good that I can fit all the clothes that I bought. In addition, the quality of the clothes also meet my expectation, sometime you really can get high quality clothes at a relatively cheaper price! My advice is that you can start your online shopping from reliable websites with good reputation. For most of the time, unsatisfied buyers will leave negative comments/reviews about the website and you can avoid shopping with these websites.
Not entering.
I’ve never purchase clothes online. In fact, the one and only time I did an online purchase was to buy body wash for eczema. Like you, for clothes I like to feel the material before purchase. But mostly, the reason I don’t like online purchases is the fear of problem that might happen later, such as wrong item sent, the trouble to return… Maybe I’m too negative ( old aunty ) but the thought of all that already puts me off of enjoying the item purchased. I’m good as I am, plus, I got excuse to go shopping and jalan-jalan at the mall ^_^
Shopping online for cloths can be divided into 2 types. First which they have physical store and second type is just virtual online store.
I have bought cloths in both type of stores yet mainly from those with physical store. I’m quite confident to purchase via this platform as I know what is my size and I’m familiar with the brand as well. Usually they do have some online promotion which in-store do not have. For those fall under second category, I will justify whether it is an Asia/US/UK brand, next is the tendency for me to buy the cloth as well as its pricing with or without shipping. This buying is a little bit risky but if you like the cloth and the price is reasonable, no harm buying. As for my case if the size is not fit, then I will see if the size is fit for my friends or sisters, else is going to be a long process of return.
I have shopped online for clothes once and that was the first and the last time for me…. I had ordered this beautiful looking indian ethenic material which was to be shipped to me from india itself….they gave me a good shipping rate, everything was ok the design and the material looked beautiful on the web page the package arrived in a weeks time as told by the merchant. I was impressed to see the packing 3 layers with one being bubble wrap….but once I opened it I was really disappointed specially because I had bought it for a very special occasion….the color looked quite dull, material was not as per my expectation and what was mentioned on the website even the pattern wasn’t exactly the same it was supposed to be a skirt with a really big girth and what I got was I little more than a normal skirt so the whole look was destroyed also the patches which were shown to be transparent in picture were with some different pattern I can go on and on about it…..
I think its easier and faster to go to a shop try the stuff look at the material and buy something!! I mean even if the merchant is willing to replace what you have bought its too much of a hassle to post it back then wait for another disaster and get disappointed incase it happens again….its been 2 years and that dress is still hanging in my wardrobe and every time I see it I feel such a waste of money time and energy.
I am not a fan of shopping for clothes online as it is hard to figure out the materials, the fit and size. Some brands clothing material changes over time and so then I might bought something but then it does not look exactly like what’s on the photos.
Some size ‘L ‘turned out to be ‘S’ which makes it a waste when those thing arrive or if there are some tiny defect on the clothes. Some colour turned out to be dull or nothing likes the photos because of the lighting.
It is hard for me to get clothes from stores with my kind of build so it is even harder to get clothes from online shop. So, I will only try out the clothes before buying. I don’t like to waste money and time of shopping online for clothes but then I could not fit in it later.
Talk about buying online clothing, I saw this hilarious post about the clothes looks nothing like it is on models in the photos. The cardigan looked so cool on the male model but it turns out to be just a rectangular shape black clothes with two holes cut in the middle and it cost a lot.
I think I just don’t like to waste money and time on something that I can’t wear or doesn’t fit my body later. I don’t mind buying skincare products, accessories or books online but not with clothes at the moment.
Hola Juniper!
I’ve bought so many things online but never bought clothes.This is mainly because I want to avoid the whole process of returning or exchanging it if it didn’t fit or I ddnt like the material. I don’t know why but I am very sceptical about the quality of the clothes and how it would look like on me in real life.Some clothes look good in pictures but it does not look good on you.The only way to find out is to try it first.Call me old school but I actually enjoy going to stores and try them out first.
However,there are a few exceptions for me personally such as if the brand is not available here in Malaysia or if the clothes has a really unique design that I really like or if the size I wanted is only available online.Then,I would take the risk of buying it.But isn’t buying anything online is a risk anyway? We still do it because its easier as you can do it at the comfort of your home and lets be honest online shopping is very tempting.
In a nutshell,for now I have not purchased any clothes online.I might though in the future, who knows.
p/s: Thanks again for the wonderful giveaway! 😀 Take care!
The Good :
Yes I do shop online for clothes! And honestly, it really isn’t as scary or disappointing as you’d expect! I’m such an avid shopper of clothes online I bought my wedding dress online!! (But that is mainly because I am a cheapo) With reviews and too many competitors, online retailers are bucking up. If you want to try, go for Zalora (no not affiliated!). With discount codes (msg me if you need codes!) and free shipping, I can get a decent dress and a pair of heels for RM60. And if it doesn’t fit, just reseal the same bag it was sent in and drop it off at the post office (no need to pay or line up!) One tip: if you want guaranteed quality, buy a specific brand that has a physical outlet so you can see the actual clothing then get it discounted online 🙂
The Ugly :
When I just started shopping online for clothes, I stumbled upon a blogshop selling a really pretty dress for a steal. So the newbie in me got really excited and waited for my dress to arrive which was promised in 4 days. 2 weeks passed. Nothing. The seller said she sent it and then later said she didn’t. Many emails later (and after 2 weeks!!) She finally sent me a working tracking. When I received the dress, well yes it was the same dress in the picture, but with a very large brown stain at the back of the dress!!! And I sniffed it (why do we sniff things that look like things we shouldn’t sniff and all?!) And…you don’t want to know. Contacted her and she wouldn’t reply. Dress was listed as brand new! My worst experience, bought a dress and got someone’s fecal dna sample >.<
Thanks so much!!