All I Wanted For Christmas Were These Lovisa Christmas Scarves

My Christmas Day haul from Lovisa
My Christmas Day haul from Lovisa

A few weeks ago, I spotted some scarves at Lovisa (they were only available at selected Lovisa outlets such as KLCC and Mid Valley) with a Christmas/festive theme. There were 4 in particular that I really liked but at RM49.50 each, I couldn’t afford them all. There was a dark blue with silver snowflakes, orange with penguins and snowmen, red with penguins and snowmen and green with reindeer. I went to Lovisa Mid Valley yesterday evening and there was only the dark blue left.

This afternoon, I made it a point to have a look at Lovisa KLCC in the hopes that the scarves would all be there and that they’d be on sale, even at 50% discount would have been good but it must be my lucky day because they were indeed all available and priced at RM14 each. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Dark blue with silver snowflakes
Dark blue with silver snowflakes


Green with reindeer
Green with reindeer
Red with snowmen
Red with snowmen and penguins

dsc_7909I saved RM35.50 on each scarf. This has totally made my Christmas as I got what I wanted at a substantial discount. Merry Christmas and I hope everyone has had a fantastic day, whether you have been shopping, eating, chilling out and hanging out with friends and family or are on holiday.