Melvita 1 Utama & Membership Benefits
Although I was at 1 Utama on the day it opened its doors for business, I didn’t step inside then as the staff were busy and so it was only…
Melvita Opens At 1 Utama
Melvita Malaysia’s 2nd outlet opened yesterday at 1 Utama. Smaller in size than its flagship store at KLCC, it nevertheless has all the best-selling products that are available at their…
Melvita KLCC Has Officially Opened
Since the last time I visited Melvita, the flagship outlet has officially opened on 25th October, 2011. This will be followed by the opening of Melvita at F141, 1st Floor…
Melvita KLCC Opens
Call it serendipity or call it luck but I was just trying to kill a bit of time at KLCC yesterday afternoon when I stumbled upon the newly opened Melvita…
Harnessing The Best Of Nature
The previous post on Melvita was an overview of the brand which combines a multitude of certified organic actives in their products, e.g. natural oils, floral waters, beehive products, essential…
Natural & Organic Beauty Products From Melvita
Far away in the beautiful, picturesque and pristine Ardèche countryside, south-central France, natural and organic Melvita products are produced in an eco-factory site. Melvita has its origins in beekeeping as its…